Anyone who'd commission a building like this gets all the ridicule he deserves.
Los Angeles also is very earthquake prone. But here's what would happen to such a building in LA.
It's a "signature piece" all right.
Right minded Woman on the Left Coast. Lately she's been overheard in Mayfair...
Any link that has ♫ plays music. Duh. So if you're goofing off at work you might not want to click that particular link.
Yep, I think you have the true picture of what it would look like in the end. It looks like a big blob.
Actually looks like something you might find on a restroom floor at any rest stop on any freeway in the US after a 3 day weekend
And I suppose the inside would look like a men's urinal, when you think of it.
My 9 year old just looked and said, "That's supposed to be a church?"
LOL!, love the tagginh
No problem with the French - Capital letters don't take accents at the beginning of a line !
We'd be very glad if you would let your readers know about an Irish catholic blog:
It would also be very kind if you could link to/follow/blogroll it.
Happy Eastertide!
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