(Super secret undisclosed location!)
Went to Holy Thursday Mass last night with the Byzantines, didn't have time to go through the video I took -- there may be some usable bits. Just have to find some good snippets between the wailing, whining and running around by two young parishioners. The only thing their parents did right was to take their SHOES off so they couldn't kick anything without hurting their tootsies. [Father P. must have been thinking "this too, shall pass" as he chanted a long lengthy Passion reading of the Last Supper and Crucifixion.]
Off to Stations up at Prince of Peace Abbey shortly with friends. I have to say there are a few advantages to being in a county of close to 3 million souls - you do have an embarrassment of riches as far as "choice" goes. And the "sun has got his hat on" and it rained recently, so there should be a few good pics of the vista from the Abbey to the Pacific ocean.
Sounds like fun :), My Holy Thursday was spent at my parish with no craziness, and I served 2 Good Friday Liturgies, and now I'm doing the 11pm Easter Vigil Mass with style (EF)
Nice! I hope you won't get stuck with "torchbearer" or MC. I have to say I feel sorry for the MC at the long services. The only one who NEVER gets to sit! [Probably some pope who NEVER got to be MC much in his training made a rule which required the MC to remain standing during the sermon!] [Like he couldn't be attentive sitting just a little behind the preacher?] Thurifer would be the best job to pull!
I'm torn what to do about tonight. vigil at the EF (which presents its own difficulties given the neighborhood the church is in, and the time, and my car) But I've also been offered a chance to go up to the Prince of Peace abbey again tonight for vigil, Last year I went to one at a NO parish nearby and it was "okay" without too much creativity...but only just!
The EF vigil I could go to would start about 7 but end at midnight (an adoration will be held after the very long Mass.) My knees have been KILLING me -- I actually had to sit in the afternoon service yesterday, I thing I never had to do before. My knees weren't going to take that long gospel and the "let us kneel" "let us stand" business for 12 sets of different prayers. Thursday night's Byzantine Vespers and Mass was the probable cause. I forgot Fr. Pipka had had the kneelers removed. Well, you can only "stand aright and in awe" for so long, and I was't standing in the right shoes, unfortunately (there'd been the possiblity of rain and I was standin' in my LL Bean boots -- not the most comfortable for standing in in any length of time. Not standing STILL anyway.) I stood through all the required parts, but my knees are killing me. I think I will probably cast my lot in up at the Abbey tonight.
BTW, anon -- take a look at my other blog (link on side bar) and let me know what you think of the Mass for Dummies entry -- take a look at some of the Treasure Chest ARticles linked -- I think it's a good resource for those new to the liturgy and it throws in a fair amount of historical tidbits even the adults may well not know.
Karen, the Anon was me, :p, I like the Mass for dummies :)
The 11pm Easter Vigil didn't start til 11:45 Fr R from the Nobertines offered Mass twas beautiful and long.
I know the feeling, my knees were giving out after a while (Leg surgeries will do that to ya, haha)
(I don't even attempt prostrations, I can do the double genuflection, and about half way with the bow, haha)
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