See this pain in the rear end problem above? The one where some dipwad used the brand new lighter thingie and is freakin' clueless and didn't push the taper thingie out like they should after they used it and as a result of them being a dipwad a lot of the damn taper thing melted right to the metal and you couldn't use it and if Father or I had caught them we'd have rung his or her neck.
This is why I make the big bucks.
[And next week if you're really GOOD. I mean, REALLY, REALLY GOOD - I'll show you how to light the charcoal inside 30-45 seconds or so without making a big mess, and have it all "good to go" so the incense lights right away and doesn't go out because some dipwad didn't know how to light the charcoal and as a result there is a thurible and Father tries REALLY hard but you can't do squat if the charcoal's not burning right!]
Been there, done both of that
I think you get 1000 days off purgatory automatically.
"Sacristy Queen"...Isn't that an ABBA song?
It should be!
::I like when they mess this up, I get to yell, lol::
Joe, you betcha. If I just knew WHO to yell at.... ;-D
I would have put a little note around the finished product, but the Holy Spirit censored me. And the person who read it first would most not likely be the culprit!
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