Don't turn up your nose, it blocks the light. With any luck, coming to a corner gas station near you.
Right minded Woman on the Left Coast. Lately she's been overheard in Mayfair...
Any link that has ♫ plays music. Duh. So if you're goofing off at work you might not want to click that particular link.
okay, I'm surprised this one hasn't gotten a comment yet! Oh, wait, now it does.
BTW, have you seen il Kenyan's health plan? You'll be forced into a government managed plan, and if you can't prove to the IRS you are in one, they will fine you and assign you one. Lovely. Apparently, page 160-169 or so, according to Limbaugh. [People have actually been READING the damn thing -- not congress critters, by and large who are still kissing the obomination's ass...but real people.]
Shall we take any bets now as to which Demo in the house will feel the heat enough from his constitutents to start asking this bastard for his Birth certificate?
I remember many years ago when some Amereican friends were outraged when a comedien in Dublin made a joke about your President- that ex Hollywood star who still thought he was acting when President! And now you can call him a b****rd! I suppose the difference is that Americans can do so, but others may not criticise even humourously!
But I like the cartoon!
American NOT Amereican!! as every fool knows!
now you have FOUR comments!
EF: Yeah, but Ronaldus Magnus belongs on Mt. Rushmore and Zero isn't even a citizen. BTW, that was no cartoon that really IS a picture of him. Untouched! It's scary how even his ears are the same with the exact same tilt of the head and the eyes shut! Creepy -- saw it right away.
Whats zero gonna do? Put me in jail for no insurance i dare him
Joe, I know. what freakin' planet do these people LIVe on?
I sent Cardin an email. :-D
I'd print it here, but the screen would melt.
People like him *almost* want to make one consider REALLY "late term abortion."
Is it just me, or is there a large section of the great American public that would see an earthquake under 1600 Pennsylvania as an expression of divine compassion ?
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