....by comparison.... Tell me this ***hole wasn't the last one picked for any team sport. I bet he got shoved into a lot of lockers too. Even in Indonesia, where he was educated. Probably had a lot of turbans snapped at his butt in the locker room.
Maybe if I'm a good ickle boy they'll let me play t-ball next time...
No offense intended to female athletes, but he throws "like a girl"!
:-D A little sissy weak sister girl, yes!!!
I finally had found footage of his toss. He DID "bounce it" Puhols covered for him.
So help me, a woman's softball team would say "hell, no, you can't play with us, you throw like a girl!"
A 57 foot throw in a 60 foot, six inch world. That's zero. Then he gave himself an armpump after throwing it. UNBELIEVABLE.
Didn't he see the episode of "The West Wing" where President Bartlett spends a day practicing throwing a baseball just so he wouldn't bounce it? No, wait, that would require Obummer to plan for the future...
AA: :-D Any "real man" does practice. I remember reading Paul Faye's[sp?] book re: Kennedy -- he mentioned JFK tossing a baseball around prior to his "first pitch" at a Washington Senators game -- he didn't want to look like a weak sister. Back then they didn't throw from a mound but the stands, even so!
And I know GWB also made sure his throwing skills were up to snuff.
Case of Pinky and the Brain syndrome. He's too busy plotting to take over the world to practice pitching!
Though I wish I was up at the plate batting against Zero, I would of drilled it right back at him ;)
Joe, you bet....right in the mouth. That or bunt it in such manner that the pitcher has to cover 1st base so you can spike the SOB in the calf. Oh. Wait. It's not like zero would have enough brains to know he'd have to cover in the first place.
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