Gretsy people of the world, unite!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Happy St. Jerome Feast Day and Happy Birthday to Christine Y.
Gretsy people of the world, unite!!!
More Indoctrination by Obama Hack "Educators"
This was from a school in Sand Hill, North Carolina. Creepy. Frightening. Even if your kids aren't in public school, are they picking up vibes from their indoctrinated little friends?
Creep Zero also said he wanted US schoolkids to have a longer schoolday.
No Zero, they need more time with their parents, not the state nanny who will only have more time to indoctriate them. Leni would have been proud. Also don't miss Glenn Beck's take on similar indoctrination. And ditto Sean Hannity's interview with some parents whose children were subjected.
And please watch THIS VIDEO -- it shows ARAB children singing Obama "the Kenyan's" Praises because "He will bring down "the Great Satan" From Within."
And This Video, shot almost a year to the day ago, has frightening similarities to how the Hitler Yungen were trained to sing to Hitler as their Saviour.
If you have kids, are they being sucked into this? Are your neighbor's kids?
Let's pray we have a way to go before this happens:
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Senate Finance Commitee Rejects Public Optionall
May the wheels finally drop off the obominator trainwreck once and for all.
Apparently, the "don't tread on me" folks made somewhat of an impression on the biggest congressional dullards.
I wouldn't put it pass them, however, to try and sneak something in in the middle of the night.
Stay vigilant.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Have Alb - Will Travel
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Forget Missal? No problem! New way to follow Latin Propers
But hey, no worries. The Amazing Fr. G. didn't notice I'd found a newfangled way to read those ancient proper., even though he sailed by me after he'd heard confession to go vest for Mass.
So if you're ever stuck or want a reference, you can download the whole thing, here.
Friday, September 25, 2009
RJW - Has new blog "Accidental Blog"
He lives in Ogden, Utah, and as his "about me" says "Who Am I? (Re)Tired old Dad, teacher, musician and Roman Catholic conservative"
Hop on over and say Howdy.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
US Schoolchildren indoctrinated to sing praise to Barrack Hussein Obama
This video was filmed (according to youtube) at the B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ and uploaded on June 19, 2009.
They ought to fire the teachers and the principal for letting these young impressionable minds be poisoned. Is this supposed to be the next 3rd World hell hole with a tinpot dictator?
More info:
Burlington Township Board Of Education
1508 Mount Holly Rd
Burlington, NJ 08016-3738
(609) 387-3955
The B. Bernice Young Elementary School is located at 1203 Neck Road in Burlington, NJ. It serves grades PK-2 in the Burlington Township School District. Their phone number is listed as
Principal (Dr. Denise King): dking @ burltwpsch. org
Vice Principal (Carol Zulla): czulla @ burltwpsch. org
Update: Another link from Fox News -- parents interviewed -- say they were not notified
This one's for Fr. Mildew
At least I was channeling the "Great one" instead of merely "the won" unless it was imagining him tied to the track.
Mac gave Me This cool Award
1. Copy the loyal picture above and post it on your blog.
2. Pass it on to those whom you think are deserving.
3. Leave a message for them.
4. Pass it on to as many people as you want.
5. Leave a comment with the person who originally gave you the award.
1. mum6kids
Sunday, September 20, 2009
In case you are all wondering....
Saturday, September 19, 2009
He can fly, he can fly, he can fly!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
The Run Around with the Diocese
Not so. Funny, I would have thought by day two SOMEONE would have called me first and apologized, unprompted. But. No. Not in THIS diocese. It would have been nice if at the end of Monday, someone would have called to say: "We're SORRY, the bishop is hearing Fr. Mark's side of the incident, etc." [In the left message I said I'd like to set up a meeting with the bishop .]
It was nearing the end of the workday Tuesday, when I had to call the diocese to see if the janitor had erased the message or what. There hadn't even been the simple courtesy call from the diocese to acknowledge the message I left almost 48 hours previously. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Nichevo. BUPKIS.
So around 3:45 give or take on Tuesday, I called the diocese and got the bishop's secretary. I said "I'd like to speak with the bishop." I told her who I was, and it was clear SHE knew about what I'd said. on the macine "Sorry, he's on another line." "I'll hold." 5 minutes later: "He's still on line."
I asked what time the office closed and she told me 4:30. I called at 4:25 and he was "in a meeting." So I asked her to speak with whomever sets up the bishop's meetings. I was told he did that himself. Riiight. So I said "Please have the bishop call me. My job doesn't allow for calls during my work day, so please call during my lunch hour, or he may call at his leisure after 4:30."
Today, I got a call from the diocese. Bishop? Nope. The chancellor. A layman, with no power to tell the priests to do anything. I said that I'd like a meeting with the bishop. I said as I understood it, people had a right to request a meeting with the bishop - and that I wanted to bring a letter of formal complaint. He said he didn't know where I'd gotten that idea. He said that he'd recommend me meeting with the pastor first - as that's their "policy." I told him I didn't see what could be gained by that. I told him again what the incident entialed and said that I don't know why a bishop would not be concerned with preserving the sanctity of the Eucharist. And he said I was "putting words in his mouth."
They know the pastor has had a stroke in the past, and has been known to "go off" on people since the stroke. I am not the only one to have run into his temper. So they essentially want to throw me into a one on one private meeting with the pastor, where I have no "Friend at court" or have any power to discipline him to do the right thing. I.E. For him to stop instructing people not to stop people walking away to the pews with the Eucharist unconsummed. Frankly, what's to "discuss?" We're not having a "difference of opinion" if the hymns are any good or not. As regards protecting the Host, I feel perfectlly safe in saying I was 100% right in guarding it, and he was wrong.
I have no power to compel him to do ANYTHING. I believe correcting priests is the job of a bishop. Not a layperson. It's "above my paygrade." I thought that was the point of having bishops, in part - to see that the priests in the diocese were "With the program."
The chancellor said "nevertheless, we'd prefer you to meet with him first before requesting a meeting." I said "I'll *consider* it, and get back with you tomorrow." At that time I hadn't even thought that they MUST know of the pastor's tendency to temper when he's under stress. What were they thinking? Are they sitting there chortling and hoping this will go away?
I'd already been thinking of possibly writing to the appropirate dicastery for such things. Although, apparently these things tend to get kicked back to the diocese. But I think I will send a registered letter to the bishop, also requesting a meeting (if I don't get an apology, etc) and frankly if bishops aren't going to do their job of correcting the priests when they need to, then maybe things like this should be the nail in the coffin for Communion in the hand.
I think the ball is *supposed* to be in their court. If they HAVE spoken to the pastor, then they should have had the courtesy to tell me. But they seem to think the ball is in my court, and sadly, I think it is. I shouldn't have to do all the work. If they are being ostriches, they need to stop and wake up.
I expect people in Holy Orders to have enough sense to be on the same page on this, and it's appalling that they are not. Why should a laywoman have to do the bishop's job, frankly?
The irony of all this is that at times the pastor can be warm and generous. And I've known him for over 26 years. This PAINS me.
NO LAYPERSON should be put in this position!
[I probably ought to ALSO send a registered letter cc: directly to the diocesan archives.]
Monday, September 14, 2009
Last night I left the Sanctuary While Assisting with Communion
I have been attending my parish 37 years. For 34 of those years I have assisted at the 5:15 Sunday Mass as lector, EM, or server. Followers of this blog will know of the difficulties I've had since the supply priest who'd been at that Mass for most of the 34 years had been forced to retire last Easter.
Last night the deacon was not there, and in addition to serving the Mass, I assisted with giving the Host. About a 1/3 of the way through, some woman recieved from me, and did not put the Host in her mouth. I watched her for a few steps and as she got to the end of the aisle to turn, I was on her like white on rice and said to her that she MUST consume the Host right away. She looked at me blankly and consumed. This is not an everyweek occurence in the parish, but it is in a tourist area, and sad to say in recent years this sort of thing now happens several times a year.
As soon as I was back at the pastor's side, he turned on me and said in a sharp voice, "don't EVER do that again, you humiliated that woman, you do that again and you're through here." I "considered" for two seconds, and having already resolved from last year when he did the same thing to me, under a similar circumstance, I looked at him and said "I'm done."
I find it shocking and disgraceful that a priest would not want to put the care of the Eucharist as a paramount concern over someone's possible "humiliation." Either one believes in the Real Presence and acts like it, or one doesn't. If one believes, and is acting as EM or is a priest or deacon for that matter, it is shipshod at best, and I think a sin at worst not to follow through and do the right thing regardless of cost. What is the cost of NOT persuing a person like that? Scandal to the faith for the people who saw someone walk away with the Host and not consume and know that the party that gave it to them didn't seem to care either? Blatent indifference? Not on my watch. I either do the job right, or not at all. We have to ask why so many so-called "Catholics" no longer believe in the Real Presence.
So that's why I "quit" in 2 seconds rather than wait. With my luck some other person would have come up the same day and done the same. I put the ciborium on the Altar. Took the alb off, and put it over my arm. I didn't want people making up tales as to why I did what I did, so I went to the lectern and said "I care what happens to the Eucharist, and I hope you will too." and then I left.
Walked out of the sacristy, to my car, and went to the Sainted Fr. S's house to comisserate. I intend to take this to the bishop. And possibly, to the appropriate dicastery in Rome. I have no idea who served the rest of the Mass.
34 years, and that that was the endpoint. I believe the powers that be will try and make an issue that I announced what I did from the lectern, but I could not leave it as follows:
1) St Tarciscius: Martyred for protecting the Eucharist
2) St. Therese of Lisieux: Finds a morsel of the sacred species in the sacristy, and has the priest summoned while the sisters fall on their knees in adoration.
3) Pastor succeeds in forcing EM to not care about what happens to the Host.
I side with 1 & 2, and reject 3.
I have already sought the advise of another priest in addition to the sainted Fr. S.
I'll keep you posted how it comes out.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Hangar Queen Breviary Sets
Then the talk turned to breviaries, and I mentioned to the Amazing Fr. G. that the EF breviaries must cost the earth. He allowed as same and said, "...and it's really hard to find complete used sets on E-bay [for the EF form], because in the past the custom was for priests have one book of their breviary set buried with them." Then he related how you'll find listings like "3 of 4 vols. available, vol # missing."
We were all surprised and delighted to hear of this custom.
Then I said: The priests should have used "hanger queen sets" for that, rather than wreck a set.
Fr. G. was bemused and said "hanger queens?"
I had to explain the term. He understood when I mentioned canabalizing VIC-20s for their parts. But I suppose that would have defeated the intent! Apparently his order, the FFSP, still does this. But in case you've been looking for used sets and are frustrated about missing volumes - now you know!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Victoria's Secret. Who Knew?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Wake up, America - And don't let that Muslim in the White House say this is Subbotnik day
I'm sorry, but it's PATRIOT DAY. Not "give up your time to volunteer because some freak of nature Muslim was voted in the White House by blind gullible fools Day." I don't need some Muslim to tell me to do some public work project to "help the collective." And he IS a Muslim. Where's his baptismal certificate? Non-existant. You don't slip and say things like "My Muslim faith" if you aren't one, do you? [Youtube link of video.]
The liar in the White House claims that no illegal aliens will be covered by his Health Care bill. But the dupes working on the bill have twice rejected explicit provisions to keep them out. Wake up, stupid people. If the high handed way which Queen Pelosi and her minions have been smearing you for challenging them, hasn't shown you that they think we are fools, then you deserve to be a slave to the state. If Zero lecturing you and your children like simple fools who can't make it through the day without their guidance and protection, then you deserve to be a slave. You deserve to crawl on your bellies to an unchecked state who wants to control every moment of how you live. IT's not about lowering cost. If it was about that, they'd make it so insurance was portable across state lines. You can't do that. IT would be about tort reform. Can't have the trial lawyers pissed off, so, no. It's not about that. IT's about forcing you into THEIR system, and getting to decide if they think you are worthy of the rationed care they will dole out.
Zero wants to be able to "shut down the internet" in an emergency too. Just like the Chinese government. Zero thinks you are too stupid to know that networks vital to the national defense aren't already physically separate from the public internet. I've worked in the defense industry. I know. Zero thinks you're as stupid as the people who voted for him. It's all about controlling free speech.
Wake up before we are all serfs. Keep your guns and ammo, and don't let the Muslim and his hordes overrun our country.
NEVER FORGET THIS DAY and what happened. NEVER.
And above all REMEMBER THE DEAD. Remember those who went to work, just like you do, with not an ounce of malice in the bodies.
Remember those who went to work to put food on the table for their families and were killed by Muslim fanatics who hate us because they are envious of the freedom we have. And most of all DO go to work, and about your daily business. That's what these Muslims freaks wanted to prevent. Including the one in the White House who wants to erase memory of the day.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Old Missals Made New (or is that Anew?)
(Click on picture to enlarge)
For instance, from the "Te Igitur" (the start of the Canon) to the "Hanc Igitur" there's only ONE page. The new Missal requires THREE pages. The '62 missal has a lot of print I have to skip over (explanations, etc.) and I'm constantly flip, flip, flipping every 30 seconds or so. But with THIS 1925 beauty, there are relatively few pages to flip. [Granted this one canon page is a bit of a cheat, because for some times of the year, I have to look at the preface section that had a special communicantes and possibly special Hanc Igitur, depending on the season.
I use my "St. Francis" one given to me Aug 4th, 1963. It was my mother's 33rd birthday, coincidently, and the summer before I started second grade. Our new church, St. Francis of Assisi in Allentown, Pa. was dedicated. I was just short of 7. JFK was still president, to put that in perspective. And the Mass was still in Latin all the time. So this last year I have been learning the Latin Mass in much greater understanding than I had when I was young. [And couldn't see JACKSQUAT, I might add.]
I don't know if "new" churches even think to do up holy cards, but I've kept this one all these years. I figured it would go well with this book! Something of mine with something eternal!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
8th Anniversary today of My Dad's Death
Monday, September 7, 2009
0ero commits an "own goal" by referring to a child his health care will kill
Planned Obsolescence
So to replace the "dead one" I got the Virgin Mobile USA phone - "the Marbl" - inexpensive, cheap, reasonably servicable. I don't need "fancy" - just something simple. Price? 15 bucks. Then I needed to replace the battery for the other. (At least now the batteries will be interchangeable between the two phones.)
So, I priced them. Batteries plus wanted $37.99. And Arnie and the city would have wanted another 8 percent something tax. I thought "are they ****ing serious?" Other places wanted $19.95 retail. On line I found a few for 6-8 bucks. But for some things I can't STAND mail order. This sort of thing would be one. But, WTH, I can get a new battery, AND another charger (in case I lose the one) and ANOTHER phone as backup in case one of them dies, or gets eaten by bear, whatever. Might as well get the whole shebang for 15 bucks.
What's wrong with this picture?
[No wonder the few times I've been in "Batteries Plus" the store is always empty. The only people who buy stuff from there must be morons, or really desparate people with a lot of money who need something "NOW!!!!"]
Conga Drums do NOT belong in church
This Sunday NO ONE SANG the entrance song. [He pastor suddenly decided we "need" a folk Mass on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month.] Right at the top of Mass, Father decided it would be a good idea to castigate the congregation for not singing after he'd gone through "all the trouble to arrange for a folk Mass." Then he whined that people had opened all the doors after we'd cranked up the AC. Then he said "Well, I'm off to a great start." People laughed nervously.
Afterwards, the head cantor told me that they were so busy setting up everything, she did not have a chance to change the song numbers. Duh. I sometimes think the Holy Spirit has to do His work under duress.
There wasn't one song that wasn't in a sappy, treacely setting. "Sun Dresses" do not belong in the sanctuary either.
(update: Dear Stephen sent me a link to this video on Facebook. Have to include it here, because I can TOTALLY see this being used for the recessional next hootenany Mass. It would be a vast improvement!]
(Stephen, you DO realize that every 1st and 3rd Sunday, I will be thinking "conga" whenever I hear the beat-beat-beat of the Tom-tom, regardless of jungle shadows falling or not.)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
AP and Gibbs Clueless why Zero's planned speech to the young goes over like a turd in a punchbowl
Friday, September 4, 2009
Don't Miss Fr. John's 9/11 tribute post
Definition of catatonic
(Mac this one's for you!)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sentenced to Death on the NHS
Full story is here, but some salient paragraphs below:
“Forecasting death is an inexact science,”they say. Patients are being diagnosed as being close to death “without regard to the fact that the diagnosis could be wrong.
As a result a national wave of discontent is building up, as family and friends witness the denial of fluids and food to patients.
The warning comes just a week after a report by the Patients Association estimated that up to one million patients had received poor or cruel care on the NHS.
The scheme, called the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP), was designed to reduce patient suffering in their final hours.
Developed by Marie Curie, the cancer charity, in a Liverpool hospice it was initially developed for cancer patients but now includes other life threatening conditions.
It was recommended as a model by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice), the Government’s health scrutiny body, in 2004.
It has been gradually adopted nationwide and more than 300 hospitals, 130 hospices and 560 care homes in England currently use the system. "
Get it through your heads, people. You can't cover more people, for less money, without rationing. Do NOT let the government decide who gets what.
I found the following comment to the Telegraph re: the above article. I think this person should be reported to the Arizona Authorities. It's shocking.
"Oh, come on! I worked in the ICU of an Arizona hospital years ago, and I recall one staff physician who rather routinely ordered massive doses of potassium chloride to hasten the deaths of "hopelessly terminal" patients. I supported that practice then, and I support it now, and if I'm ever a "gork" (as such patients were referred to), I hope someone's around to do the same for me. You religious zealots simply have no faith!
Kate Javanbakht
on September 03, 2009
at 06:42 PM
Report this comment"
Death "care" -- euthanasia, whether you want it or not. Tara, or anybody else out there know how to report this? I'd think people in Arizona would want to know the physicial and the hospital, and frankly I wouldn't want Nurse Kate (or whatever she is) anywhere near me.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Keep your K-6 kids at home Sept 8
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
JFK's Granddaughter flips off the crowd
More like "royal pains in the ass." I have to give her a big up for actually demonstrating what a lot of the Kennedy Klan really think of the "peasants." Can you immagine REAL royalty like Queen Elizabeth doing something like this? Even if they were having a "Bad hair day?"
As for me I can't wait until the last media dinosaur who "installed" these people is dead and gone.