...or slips the surly bonds of earth...which ever you prefer. With him goes the last living proof that Liberace and Sammy Davis, Jr. had an affair. R.I.P.
Right minded Woman on the Left Coast. Lately she's been overheard in Mayfair...
Any link that has ♫ plays music. Duh. So if you're goofing off at work you might not want to click that particular link.
LOL Wicked girl!
Couldn't resist. I'm sorry we'll never get to see him star in the Spielberg sequel "close Encounters with the Third Grade" either!
I bet many of his younger fans will be surprised to learn that at one time he was a cute young black male!
[Okay, I have to confess -- I wasn't much of a rock concert goer, but my dad worked for a company that was doing a promotion in conjunction with the Jackson tour and I got some nice tix for myself and a friend and her two boys - so we went and had a blast. This was a few years after Thriller had come out. One of her kids, DAvid, put in a LOT of time teaching himself to "moonwalk." Had he spent that much time on his math, he'd have been able to do calculus.]
Or, as a friend of mine put it, today we get to see once and for all whether Michael and LaToya are actually the same person.
Me, I don't think they're the same person - they just had the same nose. Michael had it Monday to Wednesday, LaToya had it Thursday to Saturday, and they each had it on alternate Sundays. Now that she has it full time, she'll finally be able to resume a normal life.
Candyman meets candlabra (or however it's spelled). We had a rummage sale a few years back and one of the teens found a Michael Jackson book. Her comment was, "Wow! This is old! He was still black." Never a big fan, but may he rest in peace.
Have to say I picked that particular photo because that is when MJ really went over the top. I can remember that WH meeting. RR and Nancy were used to showbiz people with peccadillos, shall we say..and then there was MJ...
I can still remember that bemused look RR gave him. If RR had known the phrase "whatever, dude" he would have said it to himself.
I have to say that for all the litigious issues his later life brought on, I don't think he was normally inclined to go that way. There was that incident when he was shooting a PEpsi commercial where the pyro people really screwed up BIGTIME and his hair caught on fire, etc. He could have sued *bigtime* but chose not to.
Stephen: point taken!!!
BTW, RJW -- I wish now I had kept that black and silver promotional jacket from Thriller. I think I gave it to some kid. Could be sold for a fortune on ebay!
For adding President Zero to my vocab, i've given you an award
thanks Joe! Usually spelled
"0ero" to give the good folks at the NSA something to do.
I never understood why he always wore flood pants.
ROTFL! Angela. I think it was probably because he's most famous for his "moon walking" stage and normal length pants would cover the foot action.
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