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Monday, May 11, 2009

Dumbest picture of Pope

When you wear garb common to head hackers, even if it's given to you by a "cute" Arab girl with a mantilla,  don't be surprised if eventually you're at a meeting where head hackers get up and start saying garbage which will necessitate you getting up and walking out with a meeting that has a head hacker addressing the assembly.  Better yet, why not NOT show up at the latter meeting to begin with.  Who advises his Holiness I wonder.  The Williamson flap was finally dealt with appropriately, and the Pope's apology was a good one to apologize for being "unaware" of Williamson's views.  Just when the dust settles - the pope starts advising Israel that they have to give over the remaining 1% of non-Arab "Muslim land" to the head hacker corps.  Perhaps, as someone suggested the Vatican would be comfy with the Gitmo "detainees" being released to their custody?

Flame away, I call them as I see them.


Fr. Erik Richtsteig said...

Spot on Karen. I would wear tie dye before I would wear one of those.

gemoftheocean said...

You accept and and say "Thank you for the tablecloth. I'm sure it will be nice in case we run out of rags to cover the ground on our next picnic."

gemoftheocean said...

Then you DON'T put it on, but toss it, casually, to an aide.

Dymphna said...

But it's what Arabs (Christian and Muslim) wear. What was the pope supposed to do? Scream and slap it away?

The Digital Hairshirt said...

He should thank the donor and put it aside. He is in vestments, it is not appropriate to put on a scarf.

gemoftheocean said...

D: Have you ever seen the pope in a 10 gallon hat or a sombrero?

What Digi said. :-D

Dymphna said...

Well. Um. John Paul, yes. I've seen him in some pretty interesting hats including a hockey mask. Benedict no, haven't seen him in anything unsual.

gemoftheocean said...

D: As I recall, JPII had really neat ski gear. White everything!

but JPII would have probably shunned the Mickey Mouse ears...and the baseball cap with the beer cooler on top.

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