Phillip!!!! *OUR* Phillies won the Series!!!! Phils take the Series 4 games to 1. Final game score 4-3. [Game had been started MONDAY, and had rain delay, and rained out yesterday - finally finished last 3.5 innings tonight.] Brad Lidge, who got the save is being interviewed and the first thing he said was "Thank God, Jesus Christ, and my family."
Bust out the TastyKakes and Cheesesteaks(PROVOLONE cheese ONLY). Turn over a car. Climb to the top of the Ben Franklin Statue - light the fireworks - and let freedom ring!!!! The City of Brotherly Love has their first World Series victory since '80.
For the rest of you:
"It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone." - Bart Giamatti
(But I still love ya!)
Kit, your bitter Cubs fan in residence
Oh, Kit. You poor thing. *sigh* -- Believe me, We had full season tickets to the PAdres for almost 30 years. If you pardon the expression "I feel your pain."
Yeah!!! It was a game of two halves! ;-)
I shall crack open a bottle of Napa Valley sparkling wine!
Dear Karen,
Would you consider highlighting this petition, which calls for the recognition of the rights and dignity of the human person, on your blog, please.
Phil Andrews
(aka Ponte Sisto)
Too late, Phillip!! My stuff publishes, right away! I'll highlight it though!
I'm with Kit. Congrats, you lucky Phillies fans. Please pray that the Vikes will some day win the Superbowl...it should be such an incredible event that it will usher in the end of the world ;}
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