....classic quote from Freerepublic (#45):
"The kid next door has poison ivy on his hands and arms big time. So I know he’s the jerk that ripped up my McCain sign. He can’t figure out how he got it. I asked him how he got it, then told him I’d be cuttin’ my own grass from now on. I put up another sign while the kids were in school. Rubbed it with more Poison Ivy. I’ll bet the kid rips it up again! Bwaaaa!"
WWJD? Hand the kid a bottle of Calomine Lotion? "Go now, and sin no more....and grow up, punk!"
Such foresight! The city here is awash in Obama blue signs. God have mercy.
Do you have the Obama/Biden sign that was stolen from my best friend's yard?
Nancy - no!!!!! [I gave it to someone who needed Birdcage paper.]
hey how do you put poison ive on stuff? How did you do it. We have had some terrible vandals here
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