Saw this one at Freerepublic. The photos are supposedly not retouched, just actual posters side-by-side.
Right minded Woman on the Left Coast. Lately she's been overheard in Mayfair...
Any link that has ♫ plays music. Duh. So if you're goofing off at work you might not want to click that particular link.
Spooky thing is that if Obama has his way regarding the liberalization of abortion, he will be responsible for more deaths that Lenin (and possibly even Stalin combined).
When the Obama poster first came out, I said to myself, "Ah, I didn't know Leni Reifenstahl was still alive . . ."
What's creepy especially is the head slant and facial shadings are so close it's scary.
scary beyond belief.
now now its not that similar but they do share the same ideology. everyone keeps talking about Obama's abortion stand which is bad enough as it is but far worse are his socialist ideas. In Fatima our Lady said that Russia would spread her errors through out the world. This is what is now happening in the USA.
Smiley- not if I can help it...IGNORE the polls ... get out and VOTE.
[If Nobama is such a "lock" WHY is he spending time in Pa? What? Not enough people signed up in philly to vote 50 times -- is it taking more than a carton of ciggies to get them on board? Maybe his "guns and religion" remark will bite him right in the ass. From my keyboard to God's ear.)
Dont just vote pray first discern and then vote
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