Go Phillies!
If my Padres have a terrible team (which they did this year) I always root for the Phillies, the team of my youth. Still remember that '64 Jim Bunning perfect game. Still remember being taken to my first ball game in Shibe Park around '60.
This pennant victory is especially sweet coming against the Dodgers, whom I've always despised. I could just kill for a cheesesteak,(and not with that damn 'wiz either the children put on), a soft pretzel, a tasty-kake (Butterscotch krimpets, please) chased down by some birch beer. Is that scrapple I smell? Save me some. You wouldn't understand....
As you kindly accepted my invitation to become a fan of Gloucester RFC ("The Cherry and Whites"), I feel that I should plight my troth for the "Phillies". Have they a fan page on Facebook? No doubt, some imbecile this side of the pond will think it's a fan club for me, being named Philip. Come to think about it, what a good idea!
:-D -- Philip, they're *you*.
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