This blog has now been alive and kicking for one year. I'd been reading the Catholic blogdom for about two months prior to my jumping into the fray. Special thanks to both Jackie and Mulier-Fortis who were the first to notice that I'd started blogging, because I wasn't going to mention it and wanted to see how long it would take for it to be noticed. Since then I've managed almost a post a day on average. Oh, and special thanks to Roman Christendom, I thought I'd missed having at least one good flame war in that first year, but he came through just under the wire! "Big up" to you, dude.
And Deo Gratias.
I still haven't conquered parallel parking in real life. I made a 52 point turn just the other day!
Many congratulations! Here's to the next year!
Happy 1st bloggiversary, Karen!
May you have many more years of blogging!
Happy Anniversary Karen!!
Happy Blogiversary, Karen. Keep it up, girl!
Blog on, blog on, blog on!
Congrats Karen! And thanks for introducing me to so many back when I started up last winter!
To many more great posts and years!
Thanks, all -- and rjw, when are you going to jump in?
Happy Anniversary, and may there be many more!
Well done, Karen - and thanks for all your comments on my blog!
Thanks Fr. Owl. Hope you haven't lost anything yet up in Stowe. I think it's really cool you have that posting. BTW, according the one of the books by Maria Von Trapp, there was a Brother Dutton who came from Stowe who worked with Fr. Damian in the leper colony on Molokai. I don't know if he was also beatified or not.
Good for you. Happy bloggiversary!
Happy 1 year!! It should only get more interesting with the election coming up :)
Congratultions :)
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