...just say NO ....
(H/T to www.freerepublic.com for the graphic.)
Right minded Woman on the Left Coast. Lately she's been overheard in Mayfair...
Any link that has ♫ plays music. Duh. So if you're goofing off at work you might not want to click that particular link.
Wonderful! Is this your own handiwork, or did you find it on the Web?
His love of the “Culture of Death” makes him one of the most dangerous men in politics today, in my humble opinion.
That said, this has to have been one of the most miserable election years ever. When is something/someone exciting going to happen?
Thanks I'll correct - h/t to free republic.
Oh heck! I wasn't checking up on you! I had no idea where i had originated. Having such talents, I would have expected something like this to have come from you!
Well done, all concerned!
no worries, I had meant to give a hat tip to them anyway. They're on my sidebar, BTW. There are often very funny graphics on that in the body of the threads.
IT's a website with a conservative reading public, and often readers posts their graphics in the comments.
I think it's City Pages (local newspaper that's free at grocery stores and restuarants) that has a picture on the cover of our Governor, Tim Pawlenty, who is high up on McCain's list of Veeps and runs McCain's election me thinks, that is made to look like that one of Obama in the 60s commie colors...maybe you saw it. Didn't read the article yet. Can't imagine what parallels they are trying to draw.
Have you read Fleeced?
Swiss, no, haven't read that one. Who's it by?
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