....Monica has a hilarious post regards her family's recent close encounter with a bear kind over the 4th of July holiday week end. Don't miss it. Apparently bears don't normally go on peninsulas as a general rule of thumb. This bear seemingly was out for a beer and honey the day the rest of the bears were so informed.
I guess she's lucky not to live in Alaska, where these encounters are a little more common....
Reminds me of one of my mother's favorite tales out-of-school about my middle brother (Digi's Spouse). On a trip to Yellowstone when we were little (I may have been 5 or 6 which would have put him at 3 or 4), we stayed in the cabins in the park. One day he announced to my parents that he was going over to pet the "big brown dog". Now there were no dogs in Yellowstone at that time, and the wolves there are grey and weigh less than 300lbs. There were (and they may be in Digi's possession) pictures to back up this story...
Thanks goodness the folks were paying attention instead of saying "that's nice, dear...." Otherwise no digiKatie or digiPatrick!
Big brown dog? How scary! Like Karen said--good thing your parents were paying attention.
Thanks for the link!
AA: Very cute. Hope you brother has learned to discern a bit better over the years!!
I've seen several bears in the area (NW Wisconsin) and heard many stories about them from family, but NONE have been by our cabin so far...until this one. We're pretty brazen about things too. One night we left out a bag of garbage and absolutely nothing got into it. I was sure something would, but it was left alone.
The upcoming nearby festival is Jack Pine Savage Days then Lumberjack Days in Hayward (WI not CA!!). See the company I keep!!
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