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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Tanning with Mussolini

Don't turn up your nose, it blocks the light. With any luck, coming to a corner gas station near you.


gemoftheocean said...

okay, I'm surprised this one hasn't gotten a comment yet! Oh, wait, now it does.

BTW, have you seen il Kenyan's health plan? You'll be forced into a government managed plan, and if you can't prove to the IRS you are in one, they will fine you and assign you one. Lovely. Apparently, page 160-169 or so, according to Limbaugh. [People have actually been READING the damn thing -- not congress critters, by and large who are still kissing the obomination's ass...but real people.]

Shall we take any bets now as to which Demo in the house will feel the heat enough from his constitutents to start asking this bastard for his Birth certificate?

Anonymous said...

I remember many years ago when some Amereican friends were outraged when a comedien in Dublin made a joke about your President- that ex Hollywood star who still thought he was acting when President! And now you can call him a b****rd! I suppose the difference is that Americans can do so, but others may not criticise even humourously!
But I like the cartoon!

Anonymous said...

American NOT Amereican!! as every fool knows!

Anonymous said...

now you have FOUR comments!

gemoftheocean said...

EF: Yeah, but Ronaldus Magnus belongs on Mt. Rushmore and Zero isn't even a citizen. BTW, that was no cartoon that really IS a picture of him. Untouched! It's scary how even his ears are the same with the exact same tilt of the head and the eyes shut! Creepy -- saw it right away.

Joe of St. Thérèse said...

Whats zero gonna do? Put me in jail for no insurance i dare him

gemoftheocean said...

Joe, I know. what freakin' planet do these people LIVe on?

I sent Cardin an email. :-D

I'd print it here, but the screen would melt.

People like him *almost* want to make one consider REALLY "late term abortion."

Dominic Mary said...

Is it just me, or is there a large section of the great American public that would see an earthquake under 1600 Pennsylvania as an expression of divine compassion ?

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