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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mary Magdalen - they done her wrong!!!

...really. It's a never ending cycle of discovery for me this last half year with the Extraordinary Form of the Mass. I'm particularly fascinated by the propers for the Mass and the readings selected.

Today, I thought they did St. Mary Magdalen a nasty turn. Hey, you goobers that put that together: why did you choose Luke 7 for the gospel re: the "If he only knew the type of woman who was touching him.....yada-yada, ding dong." Thereby seeming to imply the woman in Luke 7 was Mary Magdalen.

Luke 8 CLEARLY states that LATER, after that event, he met up with Mary Magdalen the one he "drove seven demons out of." That could have well meant he cured her of epilepsy.

No wonder people conflated these two for years. The Baronius press wasn't exactly helpful in their commentary remarks on the Mass. They said she was "the sister" of Martha and Lazarus. Hey, not so fast there, Sparky....

Dom Gueringer, please pick up the courtesy white phone....


Kneeling Catholic said...

Hey Gem!

good for you!

btw on another topic... I noticed your comments on hand Communion on another blog and am including my own thoughts.....

pray for me

k. c.

Kneeling Catholic said...

thanks for joining in the discussion!

k. c.

gemoftheocean said...

k.c., no problem!

gemoftheocean said...

k.c., no problem!

Fr. Erik Richtsteig said...

Don't buy into the dismissal of possession as mental illness. When the Gospel talks about possession, that is exactly what it means.

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