In a well meant, but misguided attempt to curb child porn, Congress wants to fine your butt $300,000 smackeroos if you don't configure your wifi right. I guess since Gore's gone to pasture, none of them know how the internet works.
Next week they'll attempt to make sure that if cows fly at the opera, OSHA will be notified in plenty of time to be on hand to make sure no coloraturas slip and fall.
That bill is a cross between scary and funny. Are they NUTS!!!!
How exactly, are they going to enforce this nonsense??
Thank you. You can drive down virtually any unblock in a populated area in the US and pick up unsecure wifi signals. How about just throwing the book at the pervs you catch instead of doing a catch and release program. the first case would get thrown out of court so fast it's not even funny. what planet are these people on? I suspect something far more Machavellian. Pelosi and company know it's a piece of dreck too...BUT they are hoping to get people like Duncan Hunter and all other congress criters (especially "R" ones) to vote against it -- then they could say "Congressman X doesn't care about internet child porn -- Congressman X is the friend of child pornographers." THere are enough stupid people around for that to tip an election.
Oh, and of course the worst part, is people who now offer free wifi as an inducement won't....going to a pay service. Let me guess if Madame Pelosi's husband would benefit from that.....
I'm kind of disappointed that you mentioned Gore but not the irony that was just on the news the other day. Hubby and I were watching the 10pm news when they had the prerequisite global warming story about how computers (as an aggregate) produce far more bad stuff (CO2, etc.) than do most other things, even cars. To which I looked at hubby and said, "Didn't Al Gore invent the internet?" To which hubby replied, "Ironic, isn't it?" Besides flying around in his own personal planes, owning a home that sucks more energy than a typical neighborhood, the man has sided with all that is evil in the world in encouraging computer usage which will be the end to civilization as we know it!
Sounds Gorey...
ROTFLMAO!!!!! Swiss, c'mon, do you think with my Hitlery post and devotion to the sainted Ronaldus Magnus that I am NOT well versed in the ways of the Bore? Anyone who knows me for more than 4 minutes knows that if I say "...since he invented the internet" knows that the subtext to same is "IN A PIG'S EYE HE DID." Al Gore couldn't pour you-know-what out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.
But thanks for edifying that for my nonUS readers. I was wondering if someone was going to say "what do you mean by Al Gore inventing the internet." but I didn't think it would come from a US reader.
Hey Gem - I don't think Swiss and her DH think the Bore invented the internet -- she was just playing along. If they do believe that we'll have to stage an intervention.
That picture reminded me of:
So, let the raucous sleigh bells jingle,
Hail our dear old friend Kris Kringle,
Driving his reindeer across the sky.
Don't stand underneath when they fly by.
"A Christmas Carol" by Tom Lerher
Adrienne, nah, knew they were safe from intervention (I love that, when we grab power we must make sure to do "interventions" [lol!] on all those we deem "unacceptable" under the new regime. I was just hoping they wouldn't think I was daft enough to believe that bull--- 'er codswallop.
AA: Long time since I heard that one! Somewhere around here I had an old Mad Magazine book that had a lot of Christmas Carol parodies.
Oh, the bizzaro thing about the photo is it really IS from a real opera production in Portugal. Those cows aren't photoshopped in. What can I say? They're Europeans. [ducking, covering, and running like hell.] Either that or it's just "normal" for opera. I have to say I haven't been to much opera. Though it's been fun every time. I like Tosca. Act I: "Don't tell Tosca anything, because she tells her priest everything." Act II. Somehow the baddie baritone knows where the hero is hiding, even though as far as I could tell, Tosca was told bupkis. Then in Act II -- the baddie baritone got killed himself -- even though he had the best voice. Was that justice? I'm told that sometimes, if it's not done right, you can see Tosca bounce right back up on that trampoline or whatever.
Does not my over-the-top sarcasm come through on the internet? Oh ye of little faith!! The day I believe Al Gore invented the internet, well, cows will fly.
I think we will all need an intervention in this next election.
Swiss: Intervention on the next election will be more than welcome. Preferably divine, but hey, if anyone's got an uncle Guido....
A virtual gold star for anyone who gets this next movie film classic quote: "Oh won't be seein' him no more."
[I love those movies where you and your friends can quote back and forth practically line by line and no one's practiced!]
"Hey, pull over, will ya -- I gotta take a leak."
Peter Clemenza
(Yes, I cheated, you know I don't watch movies!)
Swiss: Badda-BING! did DH know that? Or was it googleable? Really you should see #1&2 -- by all accounts #3 is an abomination. But there's so many quotes people use from that all the time, you might miss out on some fun not knowing them.
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