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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Women can do things "manfully" according to Jerome and the Hebrews

I enjoy comparing the propers for the EF form of the Mass. My 1920s missal does not have the "optional Mass to be used in Religious houses of the Visitation [the order St. Jane founded.]" Neither does the '62 Baronius press missal.

BUT the 40s "St. Mary's Missal" does have those Mass propers. (In addition to the usual ones.]

Here's the Offertory prayer for that EF Mass:

"Quia fecisti viriliter et confortatum est cor tuum, eo quod castitatem amavertis, et post virum tuum alterum nescieris: Ideo et manus Domini comfortavit te, it ideo eris benedicta in aeternum."

[Thou hast done manfully and they heart has been strengthened: because thou hast loved chastity and after thy husband hast not known any other: therefore also the hand of the Lord hath strengthened thee, and therefore thous shalt be blessed forever."]

I expect it's likely Jerome more or less transliterated the word.

The passage is from Judith 15, 11.

Gee, "viriliter" referring to something a woman can do. I guess the concept of a woman being able to suck it up and go in for the kill was not around such that they didn't have a similar word to apply to women.

There was also somewhere during lent where St. Jerome's translation of scripture said something about God not bending to the will of a man "vir." [Thereby leaving open the possiblility that God might bend to the will of a woman? Don't think that's what he meant. But there's a case of "vir" meaning mankind and not just males. I was saving that bit for Sept 30th when I can find it again!]

Whatever. It pays to look at ALL my missals. I get tidbits in one that I don't get in another.

Off to Mass. But I was amused this morning when I read it.

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