Fortunately for same no one did waltz off with Communion in *my* line yesterday, because otherwise I'd have ripped not only their lungs out but the lungs of the party in question as well.
Monday, March 31, 2008
HA Award to stupid priests
One would hope it should never be the case where a priest receives this award, Alas, not so. Rest assured it was not the Sainted Msgr. S., nor the pastor Emeritus, nor any supply priest. Draw your own conclusions.

Fortunately for same no one did waltz off with Communion in *my* line yesterday, because otherwise I'd have ripped not only their lungs out but the lungs of the party in question as well.
Fortunately for same no one did waltz off with Communion in *my* line yesterday, because otherwise I'd have ripped not only their lungs out but the lungs of the party in question as well.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Please Pray for

the repose of the soul of Alex M. Alex was only 39 and had died the Wednesday before Easter of cancer. He was baptized in our church and also recieved his first Communion, Confession and Confirmation here. Alex had gone away to boarding school back east for high school and then on to college, and eventually moved to the Bay area, and had only married 15 months ago. His parents, still bedrock parishioners, and siblings remain in the area. His folks were some of the first I'd met when I first became a member of the parish at age 15-16 or so.
Three priests were at the funeral Mass for him today, our Pastor, and the two priests who'd been there in his youth, including the one who baptized him, Msgr. Tom. The church was more packed then I'd ever seen it. It seats 232 people. Adding those in the choir and sanctuary and those standing along the walls and at the back accounted for at least another 110 people. I know, because I counted from my vantage point in the choir loft.
I was privileged to have him as a youngster in my CCD classes, 1st when he was 8, then at age 11. His particular class (I had taught 3rd graders for 3 years, then 6th graders for 3 years) was the most memorable. Very bright, engaging children, and the most fun. I had recently come across some photos of him and his classmates taken after a Christmas pageant. When I get a chance, I will do a bit of photoshopping to correct the aged color imbalance, and send copies to his parents. He'd played Herod, and had a terrific costume. If one looks up the dictionary for the definition of the word "imp" his face would be there.
All during the service the memories of the parish came flooding back from when the middle aged were young, the priests in the prime of their service, and those now old and gray were in their prime too. His funeral was an illustration of WHY people stay in parishes through thick and thin. Because the parish belongs to the people, and though the priests are a big part of it, the parishioners were there before the priests and will be there after any given priest.
I lingered after most had left, having had a spate of tears come on at the Ave Maria. I noticed Msgr. Tom had to wipe his eyes during that too, and I'm sure we weren't the only ones. When I was young, I did not understand why adults say to lose a child is harder to lose than a parent. Alex's funeral today reminded me why this is so.
"Eternal rest, grant unto him, O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul and all the souls of the faithful
departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Update: The Sainted Fr. S.

Hasn't broken anything, or torn anything in his knee. Just keep him in your prayers that his knee heals -- hopefully for this Sunday, but if not by then, surely the next Sunday. Also please pray that I can put enough of a "package deal" to bribe the pastor emeritus, if need be, to do the 5:15 Sunday. That way, everyone gets to live.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Frisbee Hosts and General Absolutions

The former is an abomination, the latter if used under battlefield conditions or imminent plane crash or other such disaster is one thing ... but at Easter Sunday Mass is another.
Please, if you're a priest who does Mass "as it is written" don't break, bruise, injury any major part of your body. The operative phrase is "says Mass as written." Leave breaking, bruising, spindling things to your idiot confreres, so as not to inflict them on the rest of us. Capisce?
And say a prayer for the Sainted Fr. S. that he DIDN'T actually break a kneebone of some sort but "merely" bruised it, because if I have to assist at a certain priest's Mass once more it's going to be "film at 11" after it's been "breaking news." At the very least it's going to be "audio available" with an end-around to Arinze. Why don't these people realize they are not "helping." I like Communion in the hand option. People who insist on using frisbee Hosts will spoil that. I like Mass in English, ad libbers will screw that up too. Thanks, jerks.
(And yes, it took me two days to calm down enough to "edit" down to this much.)
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Thursday, March 20, 2008
God Bless America
I've always hated illiterate spellings of "thru" instead of "through" or "donut" instead of "doughnut." It just recently occurred to me, however, that perhaps it's done deliberately to save money when creating signs. But I'm putting money 10-1 on "illiterate." I suppose I should just shut up and thank God there's somewhere to get a bite to eat 24/7.
It could be worse. A woman I know who teaches 1st graders was telling me she gets so many kids with oddball names, which I won't go into in case you gave your kid an oddball name. She said: Last year I DID have a ''Richard' -- but his idiot parents spelled it "RichUrd." Good grief. This poor son-of-a-gun will have to spell his name for EVERYONE he meets forever. I predict he will either grow up to be a clergyman, or an axe murderer. There is no middle ground here. He will either develop the patience of a saint, or finally snap and go berzerk and wipe out his whole office. "Film at 11" AFTER it's been "breaking news." What are parents thinking?
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick' Day

When I was in college for a few years I assisted at daily Mass. One of our priests (who years later became pastor of our parish) was a Irish as the proverbial Paddy's Pig. I had just set up everything for Mass and had laid out his vestments on the vesting bench and he strolled into the sacristy in his all black clericals. I thought I would have a bit of fun with him and challenged "Ha! What's an Irishman doing on St. Paddy's Day NOT wearing green?"
With that he carefully looked around to see if any old gossiping biddies were within eyesight line. No, they weren't. Then he gently pulled up a bit of the front of his shirt which had been tucked into his waistband and gently tugged up the top band of his boxers -- the greenest item of apparel I had ever seen or ever would see! I just howled.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the pope had a pair of red and white boxers with beer steins and pretzels on them.
My grand-
parents on mom's side were from eastern Europe - grandpop was born in what is now the southern part of Poland, close to the Slovak border, grandmother in Vishna Polyanka, in what is now Slovakia in the Tatra Mountains, close to the Polish/Slovak border. They met in the US, and my grandmother, in particular, retained "old world ways." They were Ukrainians, born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. There's a nice post about my grand parents here.
I was long familiar with pysanky made [usually] during lent and Holy Week. It can take many hours to make one egg. That Paz egg dye stuff ain't gonna cut it. You need clean eggs (duh) -- a proper metal stylus or two, beeswax, really good dyes and a lot of patience, and a steady hand. Usually the women make them, but sometimes men do too. Back before the days of TV the peasants needed something to do during those long dark nights.
I was in my late 20s when my mom coughed it up that, yes, indeed she knew how to make them, but wasn't as good as her sister, Mary. (Also my godmother.) So I had my aunt send the proper tools and with a little instruction from mom, got around, belatedly to making some. Haven't had time to make any in the last couple of years, but the photo shows a few I've made. There's also a nice design I have with an onion domed church, I was showing them to the sainted Father S. the other week and gave him one of those. By custom the priest is given one at Easter - and when people die, they are often placed in coffins - which I had also done when my own mom had died.
I found a website which gives some basic instructions. It can take a good 4 hours or more to make a good egg. I learned to improvise a few things myself re: blowing out the egg without cracking it or taking all day to trickle out. (The trick is you gently SHAKE the sucker BEFORE you put a tiny pin hole top, and a somewhat larger one at bottom. Break the yoke first, dummies! ;-D ) Believe me, nothing worse then putting in four hours or more of work to mess up that part! "oh, well!"
Typically, a few are placed in the Easter Basket of food that gets blessed on Holy Saturday. The whole basket of goodies (which often includes such items as freshly baked bread, butter lambs, kielbasa and all sorts of thing) is often covered by a beautiful hand embroidered cloth. Now that's one skill I for sure don't have, though I have messed around with cross stitching a bit. "Miss Patience" only has so much!
BTW, the plate the pysanky are sitting on is one of my "Sunday china" plates. I've also got "everyday" plates, and another set of plates for holidays.
Palm Sunday - Hari Kari Avoided!

This after-
noon as I was setting every-
thing up for Palm Sunday Mass I was checking to see if everyone had gotten a Palm before Mass. Something also possessed me whilst in the aisle to announce "Oh, and PLEASE turn off all cell phones - it will be the first time in 3 weeks we haven't had one go off."
At Mass I processed in with the rest. And right about when I was due to do the 2nd reading, the thought occurred to me: "Karen, did you turn off your OWN cell phone?"
No worries, I found out after Mass - I had - but believe me, I sweated an extra bullet or two all during reading the narrator's part and afterwards! (I usually DON'T bring my cell in at all.) Not too many people call me all week, and most of my friends know I'm at Mass late Sunday afternoons ... but.....
Thank God. I would have gotten no end of grief!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Random Chance

I have always been in-
trigued by the im=
portant role random chance plays in one's life. One such nice chance event that happened in my life was that when I was 7 my parents had bought their first home, a small row house in Allentown, Pa. The previous owner had left an upright piano.*
No immediate relatives in my family were particularly musical, but I showed an interest, picking out tunes. At the start of the next school year, I was sent over to the convent after school one day a week for lessons. We moved to Virginia the next year, and that piano moved with us and I still have it today. My favorite piano teacher was Mr. Donaher, who taught me from age 8 1/2 to 11. Mr. D. was as blind as a bat, but a terrific teacher. I think lessons cost all of a buck fifty for about 45 minutes. In addition to the standard John Thompson series, he encouraged playing "other things" that took the student's interest. Right when I was first learning to play, the Sound of Music had come out, and I started with easy versions of same. That sparked a life long interest in musical theatre for me.
My third teacher, whom I'd acquired after we moved to New Hampshire wasn't bad (a sister who taught at our parochial school) - but she would have been better for me when I was older, say 13-15 instead of 11-12. She was too Nazi like about fingering, which drove me nuts and it kind of sucked the fun out of playing. So I stopped lessons, but I always continued to play. I'm rusty now, but I'm going to start playing more, damn the carpal tunnel but I can suck it up. I learned enough and played for fun enough to pretty much be able to play any standard sheet music and my sight reading isn't bad. (What I was never good at was transposing music on sight.)
I often wonder if I would have come to the musical theatre interest via another route had we NOT had the piano. I like to think it was "meant to be."
*This particular piano is at least 100 years old and was made by the Milton Piano Company of New York. "Milton pianos were manufactured from 1892 until 1907 by the Milton Piano Company at 626-630 West 51st St., New York City. Milton pianos and player-pianos were handcrafted, beautiful instruments, designed for a class of discriminating music lovers." - from bluebookofpianos
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Bill for Baby? No problem.
At least in 1956. Total bill for 4 day hospital stay, delivery, drugs etc at Sacred Heart Hospital, Allentown, Pa? $80.20. I note my dad paid $50 bucks and paid the balance later.

Click here to enlarge photo.
Here are ALL the charges incurred during the 4 day hospital stay when I was born:
Room and Board ($9.00 per day) - $36 (4 days)
Labratory - $6.00
Operating Room and Delivery - $10
Drugs - $4.45
Anesthesia - $7.50
X-Ray $1.00
Nursery - $12.00,
Baby Bracelet - $1.00
Misc. $2.50
Click here to enlarge photo.
Here are ALL the charges incurred during the 4 day hospital stay when I was born:
Room and Board ($9.00 per day) - $36 (4 days)
Labratory - $6.00
Operating Room and Delivery - $10
Drugs - $4.45
Anesthesia - $7.50
X-Ray $1.00
Nursery - $12.00,
Baby Bracelet - $1.00
Misc. $2.50
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
I'm back!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Bring out your DEAD!!!!

CLINTON 773,431 50%
OBAMA 754,381 49%
CLINTON 773,431 50%
OBAMA 754,381 49%
Team Clinnochio must have been working the graveyards overtime for that one. Whenever I look back on how many times I wanted to stab myself in the eyes over the despair in my own republican party's nomination process this year, I have only to gaze over at the jackass party and get some relief of a smile. The Hildabeast against "Hussein." Even yellow-dog democrats down in the Lone Star State have to be looking for the nearest rope.
There's a lot of folks that needs hangin'.
Ronaldus Magnus is from.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
How American Teenagers Show the love
... for their friends.
Yes, ladies and gentle-
men, a very popular teenager lives in this house. Do I know these people from Adam? No, but they live a few blocks away, and by the "festooned" yard, I can tell that yes, indeed, a very popular kid lives here. You see, in the USA, if your friends REALLY like you, and you're not around, and they have "nothing better to do" they TP ("toilet paper") your house. Parents don't get too mad, because by this sign of affection, they know their kid is popular in school.
I do not know how foreign exchange students take this, if they are so "honored" -- I expect it might be hard to explain the phenomenon to someone who lives in Outer Mongolia "honey, your classmates must really like you -- you have ARRIVED."
Maybe back when Jesus was a "yuth" friends would "decorate" with lamb entrails or the like, them not having toilet paper.
I could just see the Holy Family:
Joseph: That's the FIFTH time this month!!!!! Why are you so POPULAR?
Jesus: Heck if I know, of course I did change a few gallons of water into beer for the beer bust last week.
Joseph: BEER? Since when do you drink beer? Wine's not GOOD enough for your lot? Why can't you make something useful that your mother and I could drink, like wine? You know your mother doesn't like beer.
Jesus: That's a thought, I'll work on it.
Mary: Son, can you try some Chianti? You know I love that stuff.
Jesus: Wilco, mom, you know I'd do anything for you, being the perfect Son and following the law perfectly, and given I follow the 4th commandment, of course I'll make you wine whenever you want.
Mary: DO that...our family has a lot of weddings coming up, what with the cousins and all.
Jesus: Mom, anytime, and if I forget, you remind me, okay?
Mary: You betcha. I'll hold you to it!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Liza - before she started doing imitations of herself
A little fun for the weekend. It strikes me how everyone in this video is now over 60.
This is from estBay ootFay OrwardFay - yes, use your pig latin. - the off-B'way show done in 63 -
She is joined by dancers Gene Castle, Don Slaton, and Paul Charles.
I'm sure you TLM folks will enjoy the precision! ;-D
This is from estBay ootFay OrwardFay - yes, use your pig latin. - the off-B'way show done in 63 -
She is joined by dancers Gene Castle, Don Slaton, and Paul Charles.
I'm sure you TLM folks will enjoy the precision! ;-D
Leap Day Roses
Meant to take a picture of these yesterday before they "peaked" but what the heck. With all the rain last week, these beauties (and two more beneath them that DID peak, showed up by the corner of my house. MENTALLY for me tomorrow spring starts. The rest of you can wait the extra 3 weeks!
I remember seeing a 60 minutes interview with Michhael Caine once. He was mentioning how much he enjoyed the California growing season. When he lived here he had the novel experience of visiting the garden shop about this time of year searching for spring bulbs and the like. He asked the nuseryman "when do I plant them?" And the guy said "when you get home" - which was a revelation to him.
Blogging will be a little light but I'll try and get at least a little something up at least every other day.
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