I've always hated illiterate spellings of "thru" instead of "through" or "donut" instead of "doughnut." It just recently occurred to me, however, that perhaps it's done deliberately to save money when creating signs. But I'm putting money 10-1 on "illiterate." I suppose I should just shut up and thank God there's somewhere to get a bite to eat 24/7.
It could be worse. A woman I know who teaches 1st graders was telling me she gets so many kids with oddball names, which I won't go into in case you gave your kid an oddball name. She said: Last year I DID have a ''Richard' -- but his idiot parents spelled it "RichUrd." Good grief. This poor son-of-a-gun will have to spell his name for EVERYONE he meets forever. I predict he will either grow up to be a clergyman, or an axe murderer. There is no middle ground here. He will either develop the patience of a saint, or finally snap and go berzerk and wipe out his whole office. "Film at 11" AFTER it's been "breaking news." What are parents thinking?
RichUrd isn't so bad. I was at college with a girl whose parents had the extreme lack of good judgement to name her Amy Rachel Samantha Ellis. You'd think the registrar would have said something.
She's changed it by deed poll now.
Smart girl! Smarter than her parents!
You have to wonder just what (or whether) her Mum and Dad were thinking. It's totally unfair to saddle a child with that kind of millstone of a name.
Must say I've noticed some weird ones in the US like Reilly or Reagan as Christian names oh & Piper & thinks like that..strange..
I can top all of you. Some dumb*** local parents named their daughter (wait for it.....!!!) SATIVA. As in "cannabis sativa" AKA marijuana. DOH!
Have a blessed Easter!
Angela!!! No Mas!!! You win, girl!
Jackie; With Ronaldus Magnus, I can understand that one. :-D But I think if a person has an odd name for either a first or middle name, the OTHER name(s) should be fairly standard.
Swiss, happy Easter to you too. I meant to post more in the triduum, but time got away from me.
Hi Karen and all,
Well, poor Richurd is probably Rich and survived ok, however, how about the parent, Mr. and Mrs. Tigh, who named their son, Beau? or the Canes, who named their daughter, Sugar? These are people I really knew in school.
Hugs and Easter blessings to all!
Oh, and I once took an aerobics class with a woman named Rita Book, she married a guy with the last name, Book. hahahahah!
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