A virtual gold star for anyone who knows where the blog title comes from.
If you know what's good for you, stay off the road, I've gotta use it. And I hope the bosses called in sick tonight, because I am not in the mood for their B.S.
Right minded Woman on the Left Coast. Lately she's been overheard in Mayfair...
Any link that has ♫ plays music. Duh. So if you're goofing off at work you might not want to click that particular link.
I would like to thank the entire city and county of San Diego tonight for their cooperation. Including "the big boss" - he left early tonight and left it to his minions.
Starting now I/Bat a thousand/This time, boys/I'm taking the bows, and...
(I had "one of those days" the other day, so I sympathise. Actually, I'm having one of those *years*)
:-D I won my side bet again. Dahlink I love you, but give me Park Avenue. Knew you'd get that if you saw it. So glad you don't have to be drummed out of the corp!
How shall I paraphrase her Britannic Majesty? -- "When I look back upon 2007, it will be remembered as a b*tch of a year." Annus Horribilus indeed.
Blogging and theatre have been about the only relief from this hell hole of a year.
You want to talk about hell, let's start with my "50-minute" journey from Manchester city centre to my mother's house yesterday that, thanks to Northern Rail's many minions of Satan, ended up taking nearly *three hours*...
Arrgh! 3 hours instead of 50 minutes. That is living hell. You do get time off purgatory for it. As long as you haven't killed anyone along the way.
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