Bite me!!! Eat Your Heart Out, Ms. Stein! Gertrude Stein famously once said: "Toasted Susie is My Ice Cream" Well, would the woman have lived longer!Two weeks ago I discovered Ben and Jerry's "Stephen Colbert's AMERICONE DREAM" -- I don't particularly care for Ben and Jerry's hippy dippy 60s "save the planet" left wing stuff....but c' cream has no politics...and Lord knows the cows who produce this stuff should have litanies written in their names....I have to say, that Americans may not always produce very good beer, or tomatoes that taste like tomatoes, but we KNOW Ice Cream!
Dang that Colbert picked a great one. Vanilla Ice Cream...with frozen waffle chunks and has hunks of chocolate fudge, and Caramel toppings mixed in. Hot-cha-cha!!!! Zowie---long may it reign! Move over Cherries Garcia! Colbert's ice cream RULES.
originally posted on My Telegraph, July 10, 2007)
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