Saturday, January 31, 2009
Nobama's hophead half-brother Arrested
No sign of any illigitmate children. Yet. Michelle would probably kill him.
Friday, January 30, 2009
All is not lost amongst young Catholics
Here is the quote:
"I am a product of 1990's era Catholic schooling. My religion classes focused less on God and The Church and more on diversity, understanding other religions and social justice. It backfired. I, like MANY of my friends, got sick of listening to a bunch of old hippies tell us to apologize for being Catholic and to see the world with some moral relativism. Liberal baby boomers did this and frankly, I resent it. I get it, my young Catholic friends get it. The Pope gets it. It is time that we take back The Church from the liberal boomer hijackers that have done everything to try and ruin it. "
This was comment #17 in this thread.
The comment was in response to The Philadelphia Bulletin story wherein Archbishop Raymond Burke laid into the USCCB for their half***ed "Forming consciences forFaithful Citizenship" guide issued last year before the Nobama victory, which gave all the good-for-bupkis liberal wing of the church wiggle room to vote for him. I'd commented at the time that I thought this handout was a waste.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Throwback time!!!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Vatican calls Nobama "arrogant"
"VATICAN CITY – Vatican officials said Saturday they were disappointed by President Barack Obama's decision to end a ban on federal funding for international groups that perform abortions or provide information on them.
Monsignor Rino Fisichella, who heads the Vatican's Pontifical Academy for Life, urged Obama to listen to all voices in America without "the arrogance of those who, being in power, believe they can decide of life and death.""
See full story here.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I felt so virtuous today...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Excelsior, Fatheads

Monday, January 19, 2009
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Token Catholic
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The J Boys Ride Again

Friday, January 16, 2009
Terminate THIS
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm outraged. Kit at By the Brook's daughter, as part of a homework assignment is being FORCED to write a pro-Obama letter. *POSITIVE LETTERS ONLY* AND send them in to a local newspaper. THIS WOULD BE BAD ENOUGH, BUT IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A "CATHOLIC" HIGH SCHOOL.
I suppose this stupid hippy nun has never heard of the FIRST AMENDMENT? THIS SMACKS OF CUBA AND THE SOVIET UNION. Who in the hell do these pro Nobama freaks think they are? Does this stupid nun NOT know that Obama is one of the most pro abortion politicians EVER?
This teach HAS to know that too many kids would be under pressure to write the letter, because they could get a lower mark in their grade and affect their GPA, which is all important for getting into a good college.
Of course, the idiot public will think that "oh, students really love Obama, even the "Catholic" ones."
I am OUTRAGED. I think this teacher, and moreover the principal (if he/she knows about this and has done nothing) should be prepared for patriotic Catholics to crawl right up their backsides. And DON'T "be nice" about it. We've lost too much by "being nice." These people need to be put in their place, which is CERTAINLY not in as ones to be in charge of nuturing young Catholic minds and values.
Shut the school down if it's going to do this poor of a job of passing on values.
At this point I do not know the name of the school, but I think a protest addressed to the diocese of Rochester, New York is in order. This crap should NEVER be pulled in ANY school, much less a Catholic one. When I find out the name of the school, I WILL write a letter. "Nice" be damned. A fundamental attack on freedom of religion and free speech is being perpetrated here. Someone needs to be disciplined. And it's not the student.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Whom NOT to retain as a family/marriage counselor
Student auctions off virginity for offers of more than £2.5 million
"A student who is auctioning her virginity to pay for a masters degree in Family and Marriage therapy has seen bidding hit £2.5million ($3.7m). "
She's a San Diego student, with a degree in "Women's Studies."
This is really sick. There are many unmarried women who give up their virginity. Wrongly, I think, but at least most of them believed themselves to be in love. This is just a cold, hard business calculation. And what is with the sick men who'd put up that kind of cash for something like this. Wouldn't care to meet them either.
Does the four letter word that begins with an "S" ends with a "T" and has "LU" in the middle of it still exist? Or is it too politically incorrect to utter/think that word? And since she's from soCal, I suppose I'd better add the word "TOTAL" in front of it. And the kicker is the field she wants to go into. Imagine coming to this creature with marital problems where one or more of the spouses is playing around on the side. I can just hear HER advice: "stop worrying, sex is no big deal."
I truly feel sorry for prostitutes, who through bad circumstances, feel they have gotten trapped in that web, and feel they have no where else to turn, but this person just doesn't seem to give a damn.
How the modern Hester is winning her "A."
Monday, January 12, 2009
Are you in the 2% or the 98%?
Think of a number between 1 and ten.
Multiply by 9.
If the number is a 2 digit number, add the digits together.
Subtract 5.
Determine which letter in the alphabet corresponds to the number you
ended up with (example: 1=a, 2=B, 3=c,etc.)
Think of a country that starts with that letter. Remember the last letter.
Think of the name of an animal that starts with that letter. Remember the last letter of the animal.
Think of a fruit that starts with that letter.
See combox to see if you're in the 98% or the 2%.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Is there no End to leftists European blindness and stupidity and hatred for Jews
Country A is minding it's own business, going to work, shopping, raising kids. Neighboring region B who wants to exterminate all of the populace of country A decides to lob rockets into them. Then the "brave men" of B hide behind the skirts and diapers of their own women and children. They are upset and cry crockodile tears when country A retaliates.
If it's any country but one, "normal" people are appalled that B started it.
But if course, if country A is Israel, then all the Jews in it are supposed to go "peacefully" to the gas chamber to finish off what Hitler didn't. There's even an idiot Cardinal who is crying that Gaza is "like a concentration camp." No, dear Cardinal Simpleton. In a real concentration camp, the inmates didn't start the hostilities.
Today there were thousands of demonstrators all across Europe, condeming Israel for retaliating. Now Israel didn't start off by attacking Gaza. No, it was terrorist Hamas who started this.
I am sickened by the left who all seem to think Israel should just be exterminated. And I'm sickened that some idiot Cardinal in the Vatican compared Gaza to a concentration camp. Really? Why isn't the place a parking lot. Remind me again who started this? Israel didn't wake up one morning and say "Let's kill innocent women and children."
But Hamas in Gaza DID. But to the left, it's all about "the evil Joooooooooooos."
Yep, Hamas lobs rockets into Israel, so *obviously* the solution is for brain dead LEFTIST Scotsmen to throw shoes at the US embassy. Yeah. That will solve things.
I'd disown any relative of mine that marched in favor of Hamas.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Ann Coulter at her wicked Best.
"...OK! magazine's crack journalists reported: "Mom goes to bake sales, dad balances the checkbook, and the girls love Harry Potter" -- and then the whole family goes to a racist huckster who shouts, "God damn America!"
Months before network anchors were interrogating vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on the intricacies of foreign policy, here is how NBC's Brian Williams mercilessly grilled presidential candidate Barack Obama: "What was it like for you last night, the part we couldn't see, the flight to St. Paul with your wife, knowing what was awaiting?" Twisting the knife he had just plunged into Obama, Williams followed up with what has come to be known as a "gotcha" question: "And you had to be thinking of your mother and your father." Sarah Palin was memorizing the last six kings of Swaziland for her media interviews, but Obama only needed to say something nice about his parents to be considered presidential material. "
Friday, January 9, 2009
Imponderables or Why Blondes should be in Charge of Banking for everyone's benefit

Why is the bank insistent that I'd owe them money if I overdrew my account by 7 bucks 7 times? I mean, I DISTINCTLY remember in Algebra they claimed a negative times a negative was a positive. I mean, really. If you apply these principles I should be $49 bucks to the good, not $49 bucks behind. What's up with that?
Mac? [Maybe it takes one dumb blonde genius to explain it to another dumb blonde genius.]
Bueller, Bueller?
Monday, January 5, 2009
Swift one, Father

I'd seen the deacon turn his off before Mass, and I knew the sound wasn't coming from behind me, which would have been the cantor, and from my angle, I knew it wasn't from a that left...let me see....Father. Instantly my eyes shot to his side and sure enough his right hand was taking stabs at fumbling through the chasuble and alb. It was a good five rings before it stopped.
Fortunately for him:
1. His cell has a low pleasant ring tone (albeit a musical one!), so unlike the usual Fisher Price Kiddy toy ringtone far too many people use.
2. He has a booming rich bari/bass voice.
3. He had NOT finished the sermon, had he finished but five seconds earlier, he would have been dead meat. The deacon, who'd also noticed, and I were highly amused as he vamped a few extra sentences until the ringing stop...he never was able to lay a hand on the cell.
4. The congregation couldn't plainly see his stricken expression as well as they might normally have.
5. Plus apparently both lectors, and 3 EMs and other sundry persons were sitting bang in front of him, and are stone cold deaf. Ditto, as I later found out, the cantor, who sure as heck should have heard if I did.
Much to the deacon's and my amusement, when he came back to the chair, his cell went off again, but this time he nailed it first go.
After Mass after I lead the procession out, I stopped and waited for him. "Nice cover on the cell, Father." He laughed sheepishly along with the deacon. One of our clueless lectors, who hadn't quite heard what I said said "Huh?" And I said "Didn't you notice something different about Mass tonight?" She guessed completely wrong.
We left her clueless. Served him right for not wearing a stole last night. The Blessed Mother "got him" for that one.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
"A Marissa" as a measure of time, and grandmothers with spunk

My grandmother worked as a hotel maid (note the pass key on the long cord!) in Cleveland before she met my grandfather. She is seen in the first picture, on the right, while taking a breather with her girlfriend, another immigrant girl. She is about 20 or so in this photo. She and this same girl were walking home from work one evening, where they ran into the young man who was to become my grandfather.
It's from my granddad that we get our love of the national past time. As a young immigrant he'd fallen in love with the game. Somewhere among my souveniers I have a nice picture of him as an older man sitting on bench in the sun behind their old house listing to a ballgame on a transistor radio, listening to the Phillies, no doubt. It occurs to me that as a young man it might have been possible to have been at the game when Ray Chapman (of the Cleveland team) had gotten killed by a baseball when he was up at bat against Carl Mays in 1920, only one of two times that's ever happened in a pro game. Sometime when spring rolls around and hope springs eternal, I'll do a baseball post about the family.
My aunt also mentioned that my grandfather had a particular fondness for the Blessed Mother and always measured time by her holidays. "A Marissa" - a feast or solemnity in honor of the Blessed Mother. He used the Annunciation to measure when it was time to start the planting. Until my mother, then the youngest of then 6 children, was seven, they lived on a tiny farm in Pennsylvania, (My youngest uncle Joe, was born 15 years later.) "Poppy" would do the harvesting around the Assumption and the feast of the Virgin's Birthday (depending on the crop.) and for the winter Marissa, he'd do his planning for the year.
(* if anyone knows about which hotels there were in Cleveland in the early 1920s I'd love to know. It would appear that there is another hotel in the right background that begins with the letters "RE" - this hotel would be just a few blocks away. I must say I've always been inclined to be very generous when leaving the chambermaids a nice tip every time I stay in a hotel!)
Friday, January 2, 2009
What in Hades happened to the UK Telegraph
Has the whole world gone to hell in a handbasket over this charlatan and fool?
Digihairshirt has an excellent post re: the Washington Post having a "congratulatory" paid announcement section for "the one." She posted someone's amusing proposed announcement, to which I add my own for the Mombassa boy:
"Fantastic, unbelieveable! Caring! kind! Oh, future friends and nice DAR dames indeed effervesce!"
And I can endorse the above statement whole heartedly. To those of you who wonder if I have lost my mind, I suggest you google “Draft Ode for a Phi Beta Kappa Occasion."
Lovely to See Unbrideled passion
I was delighted when I heard this song the first time. It's from a musical revue of Kander and Ebb songs. Andway hetay orldway oesgay oundRay.
Yes, that's pig latin. Seems too often when we post a title of the thing, it's "gone" too soon from youtube.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
To Paraphrase that Famous Woman from Across the Pond
