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Thursday, January 1, 2009

You tell him, Jorge

I'd seen the news story about a month ago that Michelle and Barrack Nobama were dissapointed they couldn't use Blair House before moving in to the White House. Blair house is being used for farewell parties etc. Too bad, Mombassa boy. The Telegraph links stay around, so I was glad to see the story here.


Adrienne said...

I saw that too and it made my blood boil....

gemoftheocean said...

And then they have the nerve to act upset. "Hey, too bad, new boy." If it was me I wouldn't even show him where the washroom is off the oval office. What kills me is everyone says "How bright" nobama is. This is the duffus that couldn't remember how many states there are, and people voted for him. Of course, then we have reached a critical mass of stupid people, as evidenced by the sort of people who voted for the guy. Frightening ignorance amongst Obama voters. Hadn't a clue as to what his positions were, had other people's positions totally wrong. That sort of thing.

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