I see the "Campaign for human development" donation is coming up again this time of year. Well, they were the ones who'd given a big chunk of money to an organization which funded ACORN - which is under investigation in numerous states for massive fraud in voter registration.
CFHD can kiss my behind for now and evermore. And it's not like "they just found out" this was a bad organization. Before the turn of the century over a million dollars had been embezzeled from same. So whomever "vets" these things isn't doing a very good job, and I don't trust their judgment. Best give to a local charity, where gravy train outright socialists don't get their fingers on it. A home for unwed mothers would be a good cause as well as any local St. Vincent de Paul societies.
I posted on this last week. I don't ever give to big charities. I want to know exactly where my money is going and what it's doing (United Way is the worse)
Not only did CCHD give to ACORN but almost all their money goes to community organizer groups. Bleh on that!
Not only that...I want a
"note" from their mothers and 1st grade teachers now. "Did Joey hog ALL the good crayons and only leave the plain brown and white ones?"
And Adrienne. Too bad it's a sin to pistol whip them.
They don't get a dime of my money, i cut the middleman
I am always suspicious of this collection as well. I couldn't believe ACORN was getting money from the Church! Thankfully that won't happen again... I hope!
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