Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween, thank Goodness they took that penitential vigil out

Can't wait for D*A*R*K*

Friday, October 30, 2009
Gregorian "Shaboom"
30 some years ago, I'd had exposure to nume reading - (and I already know how to read standard musical notation, so it wasn't a big stretch.) I was surprised at how quickly what I had been told about it frosh year in college came back - having taken a "General distribution" course in the history of music, the foundations of western music being built on the Gregorian Chant of the monks. Biggest difference is a 4 line staff instead of 5. I rather like the idea of a non-fixed "do." I was delighted to learn that each choirmaster, as a rule of thumb, prefers to fix the "do" to match the tessitura (sweet spot) of the mix of voices that individual choir has. Thank goodness, I was never one of those with perfect pitch, to whom looking at a standard notation "mi" would be hard pressed to sing "re." Don't know if I'll join the choir yet, I'll have a lot of work to do, but some of the tunes were familiar, and having enough latin helps.
I just need to scour you tube for a lot of the common parts of the Mass (8 different possible tones too -- depending on the character of the celebration.) The notation will take some getting use to but personally, in a lot of ways it's easier than standard notation. Hope I got all that right -- there were some nice hand outs too. The church also has a children's choral group.
Also, finally got an eye exam (I'd lost a contact, and my perscription was long out of date.) I went to Mass this a.m., and work, and also swam 3/4 of a mile tonight down at the Kroc center.
Busy girl, so sorry for all the relative radio silence.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
New twist on propellar beanies

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Mop

It Makes for an interesting Mass

Monday, October 26, 2009
Happy 81st Birthday to the Sainted Father S.

Friday, October 23, 2009
bizness lingo splained to you
"He's in a meeting right now"- he probably really is.
"I'm on a long distance call right now." No, they're not. They thought you were someone else when they picked up the phone. The "long distance" is a dead give away. Who gives a flip about such distinctions now?
"I'm on another call right now, call back." They really are on another call - call back.
"He's on the factory floor right now" - We can't find him, he's probably skipped off to the nearest bar.
Call a lawyer's office and the secretary lets you right through without trying to play gatekeeper? That means the receptionist is ticked off at the laywer. It's particularly good to call law offices at the end of the day, because by that time the lawyer HAS done something to tick off the receptionist.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
49 out of 50 US States + DC Lost Jobs since "Stimulus"
Full story is here.
The Kenyan Marxist crook was braying that 3.6 million jobs would be created. Well, since then the US has LOST 2.7 million jobs. The dollar may as well be used for toilet paper.
Last week, I didn't mention it on the blog, but as I was gassing up at the local Arco to get to work, I absolutely laid into some son-of-a-bitch who had an Obama sticker on his car. I ripped him a new one and told him I was holding him and his ilk personally responsible for voting for that jackass. This cowering jerk actually started to run for cover to the attendant, then he realized that by doing so he looked like the candy ass he was by doing that. Go ahead, make my day.
I also informed him that zero didn't give a damn about his health as he's written off people over 40. I said I hope his whole family suffers if zerocare passes, and I hoped his 401k is now a 101k.
And I don't feel the least bit sorry for bitching him out. He deserved every nasty word I said to him. I don't care if he'd BORROWED the damn car because his was in the shop. He should have torn the damn sticker off.
If zero trips off the Truman balcony and breaks his neck, call me up, and we can dance in the street together. To borrow a line from Ronaldus Magnus: "The economy will recover when he loses HIS job." The sooner the better.
[IIRC, my opening salvo was "I can't believe anyone still has a f***ing Obama sticker on their car." It went downhill from there! And it was a "salvo" given I could probably have been heard as far north as Orange County and as far east as the Imperial Valley. People in Cabo San Lucos said "Que Paso?" and the tsunami should hit Japan soon. If the kangaroos were unusally active last week they were probably reacting to the shock waves sent through the earth's mantle, unless the death rays set off from the satellites were triggered inadvertently. I'd been saving that particular blast for months now.]
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Holding pattern
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Question for my UK readers
Robert B. Reich: We're going to let you die
""We're going to have to, if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of years of your life to keep you maybe going for another couple of months. It's too expensive...so we're going to let you die."
Caught on audio too UC Berkeley, Sept 2007:
Let's not forget Zero's avowed purpose is to eventually force everyone into a government plan, where THEY will decide who lives and who dies.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Vacant or Pensive Mood? CHECK!

Somehow, I don't think they are thinking about daffodils, but perhaps rawhide chew toys or figuring out a way to make you pet them 24/7.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Our dogs think we are their gods!!!

Father was going into the notions of sacrifice in the Old Testament. He mentioned that the inferior being (man) has through natural law acknowledged a Supreme Being and man offers the best gifts as an oblation.
In a flash it occurred to me that perhaps when our dogs (in particular) bring us a bone and drop it at our feet they consider us to be their god! They tend to treat us that way. They wait for us to come home - they bring us things they kill (nothing major, in my case, but lizard halves!) -- they sit at our feet, and follow us everywhere.
Now CATS, otoh.....fergeddaboutit...they want us to worship them! They'd never pull you out of a burning building, for instance. Never mind they can't. They still wouldn't want to.
[Photo: Maggie the wonderdog, now angel dog. I miss her more than I can possibly say.]
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009
City Photos
Monday, October 12, 2009
Happy Columbus Day!!

For me deciding when "Fall" really arrives, has always been a little tricky. Yes, "Techincally" on Sept. 21st BUT Pscyhologically? It's a different story.
When I was little it was the first day of school in September. But as I got older and we moved west, it was definitely hard to really tell. Football season? Fall-like weather, but even in December here the days are nice. Every year I have to wait for the day I have to sleep with a sheet, and there's that chill when the sun goes down. It's finally here. This past Saturday at Starbucks I really craved a hot caramel apple spice (cider) instead of a cold drink. I indulged. The thought of "all tastes pumpkin, apples or cider" appeals. If we can just make it through end of October past fire season, we'll be home free. We're still waiting for the first really good rain in months.
Oh, it's TEASED rain -- and there were even a few drops here and there the other day, but nothing to make a real splash. Just enough to rearrange the dirt on one's car.
Anyway, I'm going to have some spaghetti, and some apple pie with cheese tonight in honor of Christopher, the Italian guy, employed by Spain who sailed the Ocean Blue in fourteen hundred of ninety two.
[God only knows what rhymes grade school kids are taught about Columbus today. And it is nice that it will be celebrated on the actual day rather than just "second Monday in October."]
Friday, October 9, 2009
For once I Agree With The Taliban
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Stupid African Bishops Prattle Obama's Praises
But apparently, here's what we're getting from some of these dumbasses:
"Archbishop Gabriel Charles Palmer-Buckle of Accra, Ghana said Wednesday that there was "a divine plan behind" Obama's election.
"It's like the biblical story repeating itself," he told reporters, citing the Old Testament figure Joseph, who after being sold into slavery in Egypt ends up becoming a top official.
"We believe God has his own plans. God directs history," he said of the U.S. election. "We pray that it (Obama's presidency) brings blessings for Africa and the whole world."
I'm sorry, but people this monumentally stupid need to be retired.
Complete story here.
Some boob of a bishop in the UK also had virtual orgasms over Obama too, not long after the election, braying what a wonderful guy he was. He was forced to eat dirt and retract support.
Tell me Satan isn't busy trying to destroy the church from within. People need to grow a spine and some brains. And if they don't THEIR bosses should be accountable for not calling them to task.
[Oh, and if "God Directs History" He sure was asleep at the switch regards letting Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Pol Pot and all those other tin horn Anti-Christs out there free to do their work. Perhaps this particular Archbishop would have been more successful as a witchdoctor? Somewhere there's a village with an idiot missing.]
[Update: on the link to the story there was this comment:
"This is why a Reformation was needed back in the 16th century. These men are Roman Catholic bishops and they put 'race' before issues of abortion, homosexually, euthanasia, etc. & etc.. I know 'race' trumps all in the American black community but I expected better from Roman Catholic bishops, even if they are black. I guess I was wrong. "
I'm assuming this person is a Protestant, but can you blame him for sayiing what he did? These people DO judge us by the "fruits of our work" and if there are rotten tree stumps of bishops in charge, then can he be blamed? You see outrageous statements from "race first" people, are you really going to look into the theology of the Eucharist and try and understand something outwardly intangible to the people uninstructed? If it wasn't for the Eucharist, I'd be long gone myself.]
Are you Catholic enough to be convicted?
I'm proud to say I made the cut.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Princess Pelosi and Screwball Harry fight proposed law to require posting of proposed Bills

Bills have been introduced by Republicans to require any proposed bills to be posted on the internet at least 72 hours before a final vote is taken.
From the article linked above:
"Nearly every Republican has signed on, but the Democratic leadership is unwilling to cede control over when bills are brought to the floor for votes and are discouraging their rank and file from signing the petition. Senate Democrats voted down a similar measure last week for the health care bill."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Dogs were Born to Sleep in the Sun
Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday, October 1, 2009
"Landmark Education" -- uh, catch ya later, dude
Well, today, this seminar guy shows up. I and another cowoker are not "in the little circle" "sharing."
The two young bosses were probably told it was some sort of "power of positive thinking" thing. Whatever. Don't know. The seminar guy is taking people through the first steps of a little work book "What's missing in my life" "What's not working."
Fortu,nately I take my own computer to work and was able to quickly look up "Landmar Education" and find out that in France and Belgium it's listed as a cult. I was not entralled with other things I read either. I was able to quietly call over another co-worker. He's a southern guy and likely very religious and showed him my screen, and he's also stayed out of the little circle. The other people more than likely didn't do a "check."
Great. First under assault from the priest at church trying to make me ignore the Eucharist, and now THIS "thing" at work.
"Bella premunt hostilia" really takes on more and more layers of meaning.
How long, oh Lord?
[At the beginning of the hour the "instigator" said "you need to move your chair over in this area" and I said "Gotta check my email" -- well, I've been "checking." They haven't tried again to make the other co-worker or myself come over. Yet. If they do, there will be a polite ear full.
This is not a time I need to lose my job at the moment, and they'd better not press it!
[Update: the thing ran an hour and forty minutes and it wasn't supposed to go over an hour. My one co-worker and I had a lovely long lunch, checking up on email and facebook, with both of us posting what BS it all was.!] I think the boss was less than thrilled.