Yes. It's true. It afflicts many. "Red" positively got up in a snit and left when I stopped playing for a bit.
Right minded Woman on the Left Coast. Lately she's been overheard in Mayfair...
Any link that has ♫ plays music. Duh. So if you're goofing off at work you might not want to click that particular link.
Wait until you try Priestville...
HAHA...I saw Paul Priest's glee on his facebook page. I wondered if they allowed for "priestesses" - I'll settle for nothing less than Cardinaless - why settle for a Ford when you can have a Rolls Royce? [Pope would be too much of a pain in the rear, and keeping white clean all the time would be a bore.]
I could never be a Dominican - Carmelite brown hides stains better LOL!
Well, perhaps "Premonstratensian" would be fun - IF you could hire someone else to do your laundry and drycleaning.
I thought I'd died and gone to heaven 1st time I saw one in full regalia - I felt like pointing and screaming "Look, look, a prothonatary warbler!"
the need to keep on washing the scapular (in particular) is a salutary reminder to Dominicans of the need for continual examination of their consciences, and repentance for their sins !
(Of course, there's also the story of B. John XXIII, who, shortly after his election, got ink on his fingers and - as priests habitually do when that happens - wiped them on his cassock . . . and then looked down ad realized what he had done, and said 'yet another thing that Popes can't do !'
DM, well, they CAN do that - if the pope in question doesn't also mind if the nun in charge of his laundry sees to it that his shorts are also starched....
Frontierville is the fastest growing facebook game.. It has crossed over 24 million online players this week
DM - I didn't know that about the scapular and I LOVE that little vignette about Bl. John XXIII!
(I still visit!) Love your kitties.
I signed up but haven't visited Priestville yet. BTW, I've tagged you for a meme on my blog.
Hi Gem,
I was hooked on Farmville, until my flash drive player stopped working at the house. Now I just play when I'm on vacation, assuming that the hotel has wifi.
They say more people would rather give up a flush toilet than Facebook! I smell a blog in there somewhere!!
Have a great day!
Liz Flint, Realtor
my email is liz.flint@hotmail.com
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